Chemical Engineering License Review : For the Professional Engineer's Exam by Dilip K. Das ebook PDF, MOBI, FB2


. 146 example problems with detailed step-by-step solutions . Covers all topics featured on the exam . Easy-to-use tables, charts, and formulas . An ideal desk companion to Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook (McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 1997) . Complete references and an index Chemical Engineering License Review, 2/e, brings together all elements of professional problem solving in one volume. It is an ideal study guide and the first truly practical, no-nonsense review for the difficult PE Exam. The introductory chapter reviews test specifications and offers the authors' recommendations on the best strategies for passing the exam. Seventeen chapters cover: Units and Dimensions; Fluid Dynamics; Heat Transfer; Evaporation; Distillation; Absorption; Leaching; Liquid-Liquid Extraction; Psychrometry and Humidification; Drying; Filtration; Thermodynamics; Chemical Kinetics; Process Control; Engineering Economy; Plant Safety; and Biochemical Engineering. Each topic is thoroughly reviewed, followed by examples of examination problems. Complete step-by-step solutions are provided.", BL 146 example problems with detailed step-by-step solutions BL Covers all topics featured on the exam BL Easy-to-use tables, charts, and formulas BL An ideal desk companion to Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook (McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 1997) BL Complete references and an index Chemical Engineering License Review, 2/e, brings together all elements of professional problem solving in one volume. It is an ideal study guide and the first truly practical, no-nonsense review for the difficult PE Exam. The introductory chapter reviews test specifications and offers the authors' recommendations on the best strategies for passing the exam. Seventeen chapters cover: Units and Dimensions; Fluid Dynamics; Heat Transfer; Evaporation; Distillation; Absorption; Leaching; Liquid-Liquid Extraction; Psychrometry and Humidification; Drying; Filtration; Thermodynamics; Chemical Kinetics; Process Control; Engineering Economy; Plant Safety; and Biochemical Engineering. Each topic is thoroughly reviewed, followed by examples of examination problems. Complete step-by-step solutions are provided., Designed to assist students preparing for the PE exam in all 50 states, this review manual includes 146 problems with detailed step-by-step solutions. The book covers all topics on the exam. The introductory chapter reviews the test specifications and the author's recommendation on the best strategy for passing the exam. The first chapter reviews English and SI units and conversions. A complete conversion table is given. Chapter 3 covers heat transfer, conduction, transfer coefficients and heat transfer equipment. Chapter 4 covers evaporation principles, calculations and example problems. Distillation is thoroughly covered in chapter 5. The subsequent chapters review fundamentals of fluid mechanics, hydraulics and typical pump and piping problems: absorption, leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, and the rest of the exam topics. Each of the topics is reviewed followed by examples of examination problems., · 146 example problems with detailed step-by-step solutions · Covers all topics featured on the exam · Easy-to-use tables, charts, and formulas · An ideal desk companion to Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook (McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 1997) · Complete references and an index Chemical Engineering License Review, 2/e, brings together all elements of professional problem solving in one volume. It is an ideal study guide and the first truly practical, no-nonsense review for the difficult PE Exam. The introductory chapter reviews test specifications and offers the authors' recommendations on the best strategies for passing the exam. Seventeen chapters cover: Units and Dimensions; Fluid Dynamics; Heat Transfer; Evaporation; Distillation; Absorption; Leaching; Liquid-Liquid Extraction; Psychrometry and Humidification; Drying; Filtration; Thermodynamics; Chemical Kinetics; Process Control; Engineering Economy; Plant Safety; and Biochemical Engineering. Each topic is thoroughly reviewed, followed by examples of examination problems. Complete step-by-step solutions are provided.

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